Interview Tips

Dear Candidates,
Here are some important Interview Tips:

1. As we all know that interviews are very critical for any candidate as that’s their chance to interact with the HR / Partners.

2. HR Interviews – There are general HR discussions wherein the HR would try and understand about a person’s profile, their experience, reasons for looking out and why they are interested in a particular firm. In addition to this HR can delve deeper into the transactional experience, how many transactions / deals a person has worked on and a few other technical details.

Interaction with HR is very important as they are the first point of contact with the firm.HR will take their inputs back to the Partners. Hence HR interviews should not be taken lightly.

3. Technical Interviews – These interviews are most critical and are done to test the subject matter knowledge or Practice area knowledge of a candidate. Most important thing to do before these interviews is to brush up on your subject matter knowledge and read thoroughly about the Partners who would be taking these interviews, their Practice area and most recent Deals and Articles.

4. Writing Samples – A lot of firms ask for Writing Samples. This is an important step as some candidates are rejected post this round as well. Every interview round is important as it can also be an elimination round. Writing good articles and publishing them is a plus.

5. Punctuality – Logging in on Zoom or Teams call on time is very critical as it shows professionalism. If it’s a face to face interview then it's best to reach at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled interview time at the venue.

6. Last-minute interview cancellations must be avoided and things must be planned as per the interview timings.

7. If it’s a face to face interview or in-person interview then carrying a copy of the resume is advisable.

8. Even if you are unhappy with your Current Firm…it’s not advisable to talk negatively about your Current Firm as it will show you in a bad light.

9. While subject matter knowledge and work experience is most important for an interviewer …other factors like the Writing Sample and the overall attitude of a candidate is also extremely critical.

10. To sum it up Subject Matter Knowledge, Writing Samples, Learning and Flexible Attitude, Cultural Fitment, Good knowledge about the firm and the Partners who are interviewing are some of the most critical things.

Please understand that whether it is an interview with the HR or Partners…everyone’s time is valuable and must be respected!!